Monday, 26 November 2012

Flood alert!

The UK is faced with storms and flooding at the moment and my heart and thoughts go out to those affected wishing them the best of all in recovering from the destructive forces of nature.

...splish splash...

It is not that type of flood alert I am pondering on this morning, though.

I love watching a good movie, that makes me laugh, smile, bite my lip, cry and laugh some more - that's the best one, although I also like the fast one, the mysterious one, the futuristic one, and the great adventure.

Watching City of Angels last night made me think all good thoughts but I know the moment when it gets to the part I hate because I can feel my eyes welling up and that's when the viaducts open and my eyes overflow only to bring my makeup to a right mess.

It is just a movie but it touches on something that is really deeply ingrained in me and perhaps even in many people, I imagine - the sadness and complete feeling of loss and sorrow when suddenly losing the special people in our lives. The film reminds me of my highest hopes and dreams for being with the man I love, my family and the friends I love but also the thought that our life together may be ending before we even start a wonderful future ahead of us.

My mummy once said to me that we cannot go around being afraid of everything because then we become overpowered by fear and stop living altogether. My mummy is a wise woman. I love my mum!

We only truly lose our loved ones when we forget what they were all about, their creativity, their life force, their love of life, fun, forget that they themselves were a force of nature. Good memories, good times!

Bringing my thoughts back to the forces of nature where so many people go through wild, weird and scary events on a daily basis, and there is no human control.

It is winter in less than a week and the weathery somersaults have only just started their acceleration path - there is more wet and cold to come!

But we are lucky because we have the opportunity of having a roof over our heads and stay indoors shielded from nature. Besides, it is only weather.

Not sure how to bring this all together except to say that life is life and it is mostly beautiful and wonderous and...

Luckily City of Angels is only a movie! And we still have life and love to share.

Live today, laugh today, and love today!

1 comment:

Kathryn Kimmins said...

I love the movie, City of Angels and I also have kleenex ready. Thanks for sharing your story Lotte.
Kisses and hugs