Monday 22 April 2013

Flab, circles and greys

Does it really matter if we grow a bit older every day?

It is in essence just the turning of the wheel of time and no one can stay young forever in this day and age - no matter how many cuts and injections, pulls and implants.

With television, news papers, magazines, Internet, radio - media in general - promoting health and beauty, sometimes caught in their effort to create unreal PhotoShop'ed images, we need to wake up to real life!

I suppose today's post is about love, life and laughter - AND Laughter Yoga!

No one is flawless in their natural appearance but that in itself makes perfect and beautiful, and when looking beyond the exterior there is most often a beautiful spirit who just is in its natural state.

That is of course in my opinion and you may have a different idea of your own perfection. However, for me and those of us who are perfect in our own imperfections there is great news because we can learn to face what we don't like and let it go!

As people we need to face all that is not 'as should be' or 'as we want' and let it rest or do something about it. Firststep is always acceptance as it is now and then decide on a plan of action if it really is intolerable. My garden, for example, is a mess and I can do something about it or just be with it as it is right now, enjoying the loveliness of all the growth and then set aside the time and effort... Or not? The thing is, if something is bugging - it will continue bugging until either resolved or let go of.

I will only say this once:

If you haven't done the Laughter Yoga Leader Training or moreso the Laughter Yoga Teacher Training - DO IT! It brings you on a path of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and truly wonderful things start happening when your self-image and life perspective change and align itself fully with you. It doesn't happen overnight but it is a beginning and a work in progress - it will never stop and always be a great and beautiful adventure. Loving life with bumps, bruises, grazes and cuts!

So this weekend I have started loving my orange peel a bit more, because in the eyes of true love - it does not matter.

And I can still do something about it anyway - if I wasn't so blooming lazy (excuse the language). Now there's a revelation hahaha - how many of us are just too lazy? But won't admit it!

The beauty exists in the lines of experience!

Yours truly, unconditionally in love with the perfection in imperfection.

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